
The following are in-depth distortion pedal reviews. We have used, analyzed and reviewed most of the popular distortion pedals that are used in music today. Please check back regularly for our frequent postings of new reviews.

Best Distortion Pedal

Best Distortion Pedal

Hi there. Dr. Distorto here again. Sorry for the delay in writing a new article on the site but I had a baby girl late last year so my life was pretty busy learning the ropes of being a new dad. I’m back to work now and I plan to keep this site updated on […]

Wampler Sovereign Distortion Pedal!

Wampler Sovereign Distortion Pedal!

NEW! Wampler Sovereign Distortion Guitar Effects Pedal For those who refuse to settle when it comes to tone. I just had a chance to try out the new Wampler distortion pedal … the Sovereign. Amazing tone. I was super impressed. I have always enjoyed the Wampler distortion pedals and this new one really has a […]

Danelectro Metal

Danelectro Metal

The Danelectro Metal distortion pedal is a very cheap pedal that produces surprisingly half decent tones for it’s price.  I got mine for less than twenty bucks!  The pedal is marketed under the Fab sub-brand name which pretty much means that it was made in China. Picture of the Danelectro Metal Distortion Pedal History of […]